
A skeptic goes to drama school: acting traditions, superstitions, and pseudoscience

The world of drama is filled with all manner of superstitions, unusual traditions and strange beliefs - some harmless, but others far less so

Be A Man: assessing the Manosphere and its influence in Singapore

Manosphere figures like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson build a colossal online audience among aggrieved young men - but not, seemingly, in Singapore

Given climate change and energy insecurity, we need to tackle public fear of nuclear energy

Nuclear energy can help decarbonise the power grid, mitigate climate change and improve energy security - so why are the public still so scared?

The graveyard of skeptical projects suggests it’s funding, not talent, that we’re lacking

Skepticism is a public good, but it is often starved of resources - the quiet deaths of so many pro-skepticism endeavours should alarm all of us

The story of Phineas Gage’s accident is well-known; what happened to him afterwards is not

What happened to Phineas Gage after his traumatic brain injury is a legend that has warped in its telling, but the real story shows us how remarkable the brain truly is

Five persistent myths about caring for houseplants, and why they’re wrong

Keeping houseplants alive can be extremely rewarding - and extremely challenging, which is why so many myths exist about perfect houseplant care

G marks the Spot: when it comes to celebrity endorsements, the truth is still out there

Disappointment over Gillian Anderson's recent foray into nutritional woo shows how attached we can become to a well-cultivated celebrity persona

The substitute king ritual in Ancient Mesopotamia: an elegant solution to inevitable fate

When the death of the king was prophecised in Ancient Mesopotamia, the solution was to substitute in a regal stand in - and then kill him
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