
Gillian Anderson misses the “G Spot” with her range of wellness drinks and health claims

The marketing for G Spot - the new range of wellness drinks from Gillian Anderson - goes beyond cheeky into outright misleading

Not right about nitrites? Mouse study provokes media scaremongering over cured meat

Headlines warn of the carcinogenic chemicals in school meals, but before we ban smoked sausages and nitrites, we'll need to see some better evidence

Is it time to stop using Body Mass Index as a diagnostic tool?

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is still widely employed as a health indicator, even though its usefulness is extremely limited, and demographically inaccurate

MSG and the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome: the persistence of a nutritional myth

Fears around "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" and MSG are based on a letter to the New English Journal of Medicine... later revealed to be a hoax

Say cheese: we shouldn’t listen to scaremongering about oestrogen and dairy

Despite much scaremongering, there's no truth to the claims that cheese contains harmful levels of oestrogen or other hormones

Grain-free diets in dogs: a recipe for heartbreak?

Grain-free feeding has grown in popularity in recent years, but few owners are aware of the risk these diets can present to a dog's cardiovascular health

Dread not chilli peppers: dispelling spicy food myths and misconceptions

Lovers of spicy food will almost certainly have been subjected to some of these myths about the humble chili pepper

A rotten apple spoils the barrel: the fad of drinking apple cider vinegar to lose weight

Apple cider vinegar is often promoted for weight loss, yet the studies show there's no miraculous benefit to drinking the acidic juice.
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