
Anti-vaxxers and pro-Russia conspiracy theorists are both driven first of all by attitude

While disinformation is a powerful tool for spreading false ideas, anomalistic beliefs would not take hold if they didn't already fit with the recipient's ideology and attitude

The Hairy Hands of Devon: how a tabloid tale spiraled into a full-blown urban legend

Legendary horror stories of monstrously hairy hands sending drivers in Devon to their death can be traced back to a spate of tabloid tales in the 1920s

My abortion was absolutely the right decision – but I wish I’d known what to expect

We need to talk more about our experiences of abortion, so that people know what is normal, what to expect, and how they might feel even when they know it's the right decision

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: Messages from the other side?

Bligh Bond's 1919 book 'The Gates of Remembrance' is one of the first documented examples of so-called psychic archaeology, claimed to be written using automatic writing.

“Miracles Today?” A Medical Critique of Craig Keener’s miracle claims

A recently published book claims to present stories of miraculous healings brought about by prayer, yet there remains no good evidence of even a single Christ-like miracle

The Cost of Loving: falling birthrates, and the increased role of personal choice in procreation

Jordan Peterson believes falling birthrates are part of a self-hating environmentalist genocide, but it's more likely that people are having fewer babies out of personal choice

Could Loch Ness Monster sightings really be attributed to an aroused whale penis?

Viral posts claimed that sightings of the Loch Ness Monster were actually just aroused whale penises, but this eye-catching explanation simply doesn't fit the facts

Nikola Tesla and the cult of the mysterious genius

In the decades since his death, Nikola Tesla has taken on a mythical status among his devoted followers, who attribute to him all manner of groundbreaking - and ultimately suppressed - inventions
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