
Could my boob job really make me ill? Understanding Breast Implant Illness claims

Patients who believe they are suffering from Breast Implant Illness are often experiencing real symptoms, and we ought to take their concerns seriously

Bizarre double death: spontaneous human combustion, or merely tragic coincidence?

Alice Ann Kirby and her little sister Amy died in separate, mysterious fires - some claim spontaneous human combustion explains the double tragedy

MSG and the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome: the persistence of a nutritional myth

Fears around "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" and MSG are based on a letter to the New English Journal of Medicine... later revealed to be a hoax

The Ockham Awards 2022: recognising the best in skepticism, and the worst in pseudoscience

Nominations for the 2022 Ockham Awards are now open, with our annual award for Skeptical Activism and our Rusty Razor award for pseudoscience.

Robin Dunbar examines the possible evolutionary role of religious thinking

Robin Dunbar, the noted evolutionary psychologist, turns his attention to the role of spiritual thinking in his new book "How Religion Evolved: And Why It Endures"

Defending Critical Race Theory is impossible without highlighting the moral panic around it

Defining Critical Race Theory will do nothing to deter culture war figures from stoking the CRT moral panic - we need to call out their tactics, rather than play into their hands

Correlation does not equal causation – the depression and serotonin edition

Media reports on serotonin and depression risk causing patients to quit their antidepressants - even though we know antidepressants do work for some people

The mystery of Glastonbury Abbey: When the spirit moves you

Critics often accuse Bligh of making up his claims about automatic writing, but experiments show that it's quite possible that he was sincere, albeit mistaken, in his claims
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