Ted Lefroy

5 Articles
Ted Lefroy is an adjunct professor at the University of Tasmania. He trained in agricultural science and worked in extension and rural development before becoming director of the Centre for Environment at the University of Tasmania in 2005 and head of research at the Tasmanian Instiute of Agriculture in 2018.

Panpsychism revived, in James Bridle’s “Ways of Being”

"Ways of Being" argues that intelligence isn't a purely human phenomenon, but in doing so strays into a quasi-mysticism to explain the material

How do we know what we know? The question that untangles Magisteria’s science and religion

Magisteria: The Entangled Histories of Science and Religion, by Nicholas Spencer, paints a history of entwined attempts to understand, glossing over religion's response to conflicting ideas

The fifth horseman: environmental determinism rides again in ‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse’

‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse’ predicts an inevitable, unavoidable environmental collapse - a doomist view that discounts our ability to change our future

The Tao of Magical Thinking: pseudoscience in Jeremy Lent’s ‘The Web of Meaning’

In The Web of Meaning, Jeremy Lent favours convenient ideas over accurate, and in doing so repeatedly presents speculative and even disproven theories as facts

A doomscrollers guide to climate hyperbole: countering the doomism of Deep Adaptation

'Deep Adaptation' is a perfect example of how climate doomsayers and denialists both use similar methods to tilt reality in their favour
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