
Weight loss: it’s just calories in/calories out… isn’t it?

The belief that weight loss can be achieved via a simple calorie deficit is incredibly common, but, as is often the case in biology, the reality is more complex

15 minute cities: the latest big bad of the conspiracy theory ecosystem

Why did 15 minute cities go from a niche town planning proposal to a full-blown paranoia? Because existing conspiracist networks needed their next big fear

Did a lab leak cause COVID-19? Despite the latest headlines, it’s still not very likely

Eye-catching headlines declare new revelations about Covid's origin, but without more evidence, the lab-leak hypothesis remains not impossible, but still improbable

Tree planting schemes look fantastic on paper, but they won’t save us from climate change

Mass tree planting schemes are a simple and obvious way to sequester carbon and fight climate change. The only problem is, they almost certainly won't work.

When we enforce our taboo against inbreeding, we shouldn’t pretend that nature agrees

Inbreeding is seen as a gross taboo in many parts of the world, but a new study suggests it is far more common in nature than we might be comfortable admitting.

Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse with Graham Hancock: from alien conspiracies to antisemitism

Netflix documentaries commodifying conspiracism and pseudoscience for mainstream audiences could have wider consequences including exposure to antisemitism

January 8th, and the insurrectionist riot provoked by Bolsonaro and the Brazilian army

When Bolsonaro supporters stormed Brazilian parliament on January 8th, the attack was merely the culmination of years of lies and provocation from the former President and the army

When copyright credit scammers target skeptical organisations

The QED conference was accused of copyright infringement, but something didn't smell right, which is when Michael Marshall started digging...
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