Conspiracy Theories

While Artemis was heading to the moon, moon landing deniers were busy doubling down

For the first time in decades, humanity is making its way back to the moon. As you might imagine, conspiracy theorists who deny the original moon landing are not taking this well.

Turn off The Light: taking community action against misinformation and hate speech

When the free, conspiracy-laden antivax newspaper The Light began to circulate around Stroud, Gloucestershire, one group of concerned locals decided enough was enough

Tall tales: ancient British giants, Stonehenge, and the mythological founding of Albion

Was Britain really founded by a race of ancient mythical giants? Obviously not, but try telling that to attendees at the Awakenings Expo

John Robison, the Illuminati, and the beginnings of a global superconspiracy theory

The Illuminati has become the go-to villain in grand narrative conspiracy theories, despite their humble origin as a shortly-lived German Enlightenment group

The Better Way anti-vaxx conference hit on every single medical conspiracy theory… except one

The Better Way conference wasn't shy to throw in as many medical conspiracy theories as it could find - which is why it was surprising that nobody mentioned the moral panic around trans people

Trinidadian ‘Doctor’ Michael McDowell Claims COVID-19 is a Manufactured Bioweapon

Dr Michael McDowell's eye-catching claims about COVID-19 went viral in Trinidad and China - even though he is a doctor of 'divinity', not medicine

Defending Critical Race Theory is impossible without highlighting the moral panic around it

Defining Critical Race Theory will do nothing to deter culture war figures from stoking the CRT moral panic - we need to call out their tactics, rather than play into their hands

Conspiracy theories give the illusion of control, in a system that leaves people feeling powerless

The Better Way conspiracy conference succeeded in identifying genuine problems, but sold deeply harmful and counter-productive solutions
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