
The return of a myth: Satanic ritual abuse and the sacred status of Argos

In June 2020, the Dutch radio program Argos brought false claims of satanic ritual abuse back into mainstream discourse.

Q without Q: the devolution theory that sees QAnon believers double down in their delusion

By misinterpreting emergency powers designed for war scenarios, QAnon believers claim Trump is still in power, operating the government behind the scenes

The Catholic Fátima movement’s conspiracy theories over the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Pope Francis recently consecrated Russia and Ukraine in a misguided bid to end the war - to the dissatisfaction of the Fátima movement of Catholic priests

Moms for Liberty: serving moral panic with a side of BASIC cannibalism

While conservative groups like Moms for Liberty scaremonger about white guilt and cannibalism, their goal is to use moral panic to drive censorship

Family Constellation: the pseudoscience retraumatising victims at the approval of Brazilian courts

Brazilian courts are disturbingly fond of Family Constellation, a pseudoscientific form of therapy that pushes blame onto victims, and retraumatises the most vulnerable people

The self-help industry is booming, but its advice is rarely based on solid evidence

From love languages, to Good Vibes, to The Secret, the self-help industry is thriving - even though less than a fifth of self-help books are based on empirical research

In an increasingly secular America, religious conservatives exert power via the culture wars

The religious right in America are not taking secularism lying down, and they will cause a lot of suffering if the threat they pose is not taken seriously.

Where mental illness is blamed on spirits, we need to be human to reach people

Some religious cultures misattribute mental health issues to spiritual possession - they won't seek help if care directly challenges their faith
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