
The return of a myth: Satanic ritual abuse and the sacred status of Argos

In June 2020, the Dutch radio program Argos brought false claims of satanic ritual abuse back into mainstream discourse.

Eye-catching claims about UFOs emitting dangerous radiation take the UK media for a ride

Media reports breathlessly repeated baseless claims about patients being hit by "highly powered microwaves" from UFOS, based on extremely questionable sources.

Hilary Evans Paranormal Picture Library: We Can Dance If We Want To

From the Hilary Evans Paranormal Picture Library, Pieter Brueghel’s drawing illustrates victims of a neurological condition, then called Saint Vitus Dance, going on a pilgrimage to Echternach

Exploring the ongoing popularity of Feng Shui in Singaporean society

In modern Singapore, belief in the superstitious practice of Feng Shui remains high, as inhabitants look to old traditions to grasp control of their lives

Is there a role in modern Singapore for superstitions and the little ways they control us?

Iowa Cheung reflects upon the local superstitions followed by Singaporeans, and whether they - even indirectly - have value in the modern world

The Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project finds ‘psychics’ perform worse than random chance

Richard Saunders concludes a 12-year investigation by Australian and international researchers, covering over 3800 predictions from more than 200 self-professed psychics, and the results are not encouraging… for psychics.

Richard Saunders, on testing nearly 4,000 psychic predictions from the last two decades

Richard Saunders explains why he decided to wade through 20 years of psychic predictions, as part of the Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project

Where mental illness is blamed on spirits, we need to be human to reach people

Some religious cultures misattribute mental health issues to spiritual possession - they won't seek help if care directly challenges their faith
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