
Netflix’s (Un)Well leaves me (un)impressed

(Un)Well's false balance and fence-sitting is a missed opportunity to demonstrate the real harms of the wellness industry

Conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers and alt-med quackery put our pets in harm’s way

Vet Danny Chambers highlights how the aggressive promotion of alternative therapies to prevent and treat animal diseases has become widespread.

‘Mask Mouth’: a real dental phenomenon, or merely a confection?

Dentist Shaun Sellars looks at recent reports of facemasks causing a new dental phenomenon known as 'mask mouth'.

Hydroxychloroquine: when bad science goes mainstream

As covid-19 spreads across Brazil, Natalia Pasternak and Carlos Orsi highlight how one purported miracle cure found friends in very high places.

Coronavirus, conspiracy, challenges and compassion

Our new editor Michael Marshall talks about the challenge of countering coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theory, and why compassion is such an important aspect of skepticism.

COVID-19 nutrition myths

Registered nutritionist Pixie Turner takes a look at some of the most common COVID-19 nutritional myths to arise during the pandemic.

Too Much Medicine?

  Back in 1990 I wrote a paper for this magazine entitled Surely there is something in it: The social psychology of healing in which...

More on the Here & Now

APART FROM A MORE RECENT CONTRACT with a local mental health service, the last post I held as a psychologist in the NHS was...
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