
Erectile difficulties? The P-Shot injection into your penis is not the solution you’re looking for

The £1,200 P-Shot promises to end erectile dysfunction, but it's better to ditch the needle and instead have an honest, open conversation

How the ‘Lockdown Sceptics’ misquote research in their quest to appear scientific

Even the most robust arguments of the so-called 'Lockdown Sceptics' rely on quoting selectively from the studies they reference

Brazil’s COVID-19 inquiry puts pseudoscience on trial

The COVID-19 inquiry in Brazil is an opportunity to understand what went wrong and what can be learned - it is one we can't afford to pass up

From chemtrails to COVID-19, Naomi Wolf’s prolific promotion of pseudoscience

Over the years, author Naomi Wolf has spread all manner of misinformation - from misleading statistics to chemtrails and COVID-19 conspiracy theories

Young people in Singapore may be vaccine hesitant, but we’ll get vaccinated to protect others

Listening to the concerns of risk-averse young Singaporeans can help ease hesitancy about the Covid-19 vaccine, and increase eventual take-up

Making vaccines convenient and accessible helps minimise the impact of vaccine hesitancy

Tackling vaccine hesitancy is less about ‘nudging’ us, and more about removing the barriers to accessing vaccines

If we’re going to convince the vaccine hesitant, we need to tackle conspiratorial thinking

Anti-vaxxers had a head start when it comes to winning the hearts and minds of the Covid vaccine hesitant - it's time for the rest of us to catch them up

Jordan Peterson is wrong: medical error is absolutely not the ‘third leading cause of death’

Peterson's claim that "medicine kills more people than it helps" is the latest in a long line of demonstrably false claims - yet his fans continue to hang off his every word
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