Conspiracy Theories

Beware the ‘They’: once we believe in hidden, evil cabals, we can be convinced of anything

By blaming an unseen "They" for all that's wrong, conspiracy theories block any genuine skepticism - and that's what makes them so dangerous

Why we should have listened to Flat Earth believers (even though they were completely wrong)

Since making headlines in 2018, many Flat Earth believers have become Covid deniers and QAnon followers. The signs were always there.

When predictions fail: UFO cults, QAnon and cognitive dissonance

When their predictions don't come true, cults are faced with a choice: accept reality, or rationalise the failure. Which road will Qanon take?

Nesta Helen Webster: the far-right author who popularised the antisemitic Illuminati conspiracy

The Qanon movement regurgiates old antisemitic tropes that echo back to the Illuminati conspiracy theories pushed by Nesta Helen Webster

Qanon’s references to ‘Adrenochome’ echo old, anti-Semitic Blood Libel myths

Adrenochrome has become a central part of the Qanon theory, despite 'Q' never mentioning it; its history is long, and deeply anti-Semitic.

David Icke’s 2018 tour sowed the seeds for a return to the conspiracy mainstream

David Icke's 2018 tour sanitised some of his more outré claims and played to the free speech gallery, readying his return to the mainstream.

Meet the conspiracy theorists who believe Covid isn’t real… because viruses don’t exist

In the world of the virus deniers, not only is the novel coronavirus fake, but viruses themselves don't actually exist.

Cheap talk skepticism: why we need to push back against those who are ‘just asking questions’

'Cheap talk' skepticism - coming at little cost to the doubter, but significant cost to others - is undermining genuine skeptical inquiry.
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